It’s been a time like never before. We had great plans for 2020; we were going to places to bring energy, beauty, immunity and much more through Beverly Hills IV Therapy in the Maldives, UAE, London . . . .
We stayed strong and then came COVID-19. The pandemic put a dampener on the plans and it was a struggle for everyone, as being locked down for so long was something we’ve never experienced before. Still for all during the past months we learnt to do things differently. Some of us used the time to get back to our hobbies - we did not have time for before, spent more meaningful time with our families, worked and played more with our kids, took time to reflect on self – taking to meditation, learnt new skills on YouTube, spent more time reading - which had been shelved for so long, became expert cooks trying out a variety of new dishes etc. The positives encountered by many are endless. Tomorrow is another day. We will move on to our active weeks, weekends outdoors with friends & family and those vacations to exotic and exciting places. In spite of it all, it was great that we were still able to reach out to you. Staying focused and looking to the future has made all the difference. Those of you who used the Beverly Hills IV Therapy mobile service found relief, energy, immunity and much more experiencing it in the comfort of your own home, with the specialized care of our professional team who ensured the necessary safety precautions required under the pandemic. It is indeed at times like this that I truly feel inspired and glad for having created Beverly Hills IV Therapy for you. We are in June and the pandemic continues. I surely rely on keeping my energy and immunity restored. We care for you and want you to stay safe, strong, happy & beautiful. Don’t be dragged down by the present. There is so much going on and it is too much to handle. We keep going and look to the future. We are here for you through the good and bad with our Happy Hydration, Hangover Cure, Immunity Boost, Weight Loss Magic, Get up and go – energy booster and much more. Feel your best with one of our vitamin treatments. If you have not yet discovered a change or renewed your focus, there is still time for you to go out and do what you always wanted to do. It is out there for you to search, get it and try for yourself. With renewed plans we will soon make our presence in new places – Las Vegas, Hawaii, Tennessee, Arizona . . . . Then when we can fly freely, we will be there in London, Dubai, Vietnam, Thailand, Bali, Singapore, and Sri Lanka . . . . We will be back to our normal soon. It is important to stay focused and move to the future. Whatever you need, we are here for you.
We are feeling more stressed than normal.
I am working round the clock, chasing my dreams, building my social stature, comforting everyone around me. Doing all this wearing a fake smile, masking my all sorrows. Am I stressed, nope, not at all. Damn! I need a vacation, a long due reward to my own soul. I will plan it for me, Yes I will plan it, here, right now! And, one to one questionnaire starts with the inner you:
Answer to all my stress is a relaxing vacay! But guess what? A stress-busting idea is giving me more stress. Yes, this is how the stress cycle works, there is no subtraction and multiple additions. Generations before this had their dreams, but they knew the ways to find their inner peace. The generation now is “ jack of all trades”. Fast placed, social-media savvy, multi-tasking is quintessential credentials. We are superficial in everything, from social connections to understanding our own mental needs. How do we know we are stressed?
Answer all the questions in yes/no, and find out your stress level! Number of Yes Stress level 1-2 Mild stress 3-4 Moderate or severe stress 5-7 Serious condition, expert’s guidance required Why it is important to manage stress? Stress affects your health mentally as well as physically. It minimizes your ability to think clearly and function effectively. It affects your productivity and personal growth. Stress management is the key to prevent all these problems. Stress management tips: Tip 1: Identify the true sources of stress in your life. Look closely at your habits, attitude, excuses, wishes, etc. Tip 2: Practice the 4 A’s of stress management. Avoid unnecessary stress: Learn how to say “no.” Avoid people who stress you out Take control of your environment Pare down your to-do list Alter the situation: Express your feelings instead of bottling them up Be willing to compromise Create a balanced schedule Adapt to the stressor: Reframe problems Look at the big picture. Adjust your standards Practice gratitude Accept the things that you can’t change: Don’t try to control the uncontrollable Look for the upside Learn to forgive Share your feelings Tip 3: Get moving: Put on some music and dance around Take your dog for a walk Walk or cycle to the grocery store Use the stairs at home or work rather than an elevator Play ping-pong or an activity-based video game with your kids Tip 4: Make connections with others. Spend quality time with your loved ones. Go for lunch or dinner with friends. Do some volunteer work in your favourite place. Play games with friends. Tip 5: Make time for fun and relaxation. Listen to your favourite music. Take enough time to do your leisure activities. Do yoga and exercise to keep our mind relax and healthy. Tip 6: Maintain balance with a healthy lifestyle. Take adequate sleep. Eat healthy and nutritious food. What is the so-called “millennials” solution?
These methods give proven results. Just like our work, we have to multitask to cope with our stress. Give your self some time. Start from scratch, get your immunity, hydration and vitamin levels back at normal levels, feel energised, start the exercise and healthy diet plans. Beverly Hills IV Therapy centre understand your stress-busting needs and provides formulations by IV method. A customised formulation for an individual’s need is also a targeted therapeutic solution for overcoming stress. We are definitely living in crazy times, and the stress is real, we have to admit the facts. With the amount of work and social pressure, stress levels are rising each day. Millennials are dealing with more of everything including comfort, technology, and resources. We have triumphed against our shortcomings over the years and we can definitely beat our invisible mental enemy with our Punches! Put on your little boxing gloves. “Float like a butterfly, Stung like a bee”. Mother knew best and she always told her children eat healthy, get enough sleep, exercise, go out and play, don’t smoke, don’t drink . . . “This is how our parents brought us up” she would say. Those were basics in the days gone by and they were followed. I guess that is how our Grandparents stayed so healthy over the years. I never knew a time when they were down with the flu or were in hospital for a period of time.
Times have changed and the basics that strengthen our immune system are forgotten by many. It is not just one thing or an entity; it is a system – the immune system. To function well, it required balance & harmony. We should take care of ourselves as proper care would help our immune system of cells, organs and tissues. Hearing so much of the virus around us, it certainly rings a bell when we are reminded of the good health habits we are expected to follow now, which we have been taking for granted as it were. Why do I need to strengthen my immune system? If not, I would face the symptoms I have seen in many from time to time, as they were not strong enough to fight off the signs of their stress levels going high, frequently facing tummy trouble, frequently catching a cold, finding their wounds taking a long time to heal, getting frequent infections and feeling tired all the time. Choosing a healthy life style is important for me. I follow good and healthy habits to keep ahead and towards naturally keeping my immune system healthy & strong. Every part of my body, including my immune system functions better when I protected it from adverse effects of the environment and eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, get adequate sleep, minimize stress, avoid infection by washing my hands frequently, don't smoke and drink alcohol only in moderation. Checking the level of Vitamin D and taking a D supplement is also good as it could help your body to fight off a respiratory illness. Three great immune boosters are Vitamin C – which we know is needed for repair of all body tissues in addition to our growth & development as it is involved in many body functions including the immune system. Vitamin B6 – is known to be important in maintaining a healthy body and in developing a healthy brain. Vitamin E – is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight off infection. Beverly Hills IV Therapy can equip you with these boosters necessary for you to stay healthy. We care for you and we want you to stay strong. The month of January has already come to a close and I cannot imagine how I did it all. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas were simply delightful, a wonderful time spent with family in addition to my busy schedule with overseas and local travel.
Oh what a time it was to be back at Niyama Private Islands Maldives and then jump to Hard Rock, Maldives for training. It felt great to meet and greet the guests as I was refreshed after my Jet Lag Tonic. It is truly delightful for me to see these locations with guests enjoying themselves to the maximum as they beat the late night fun with the Hangover IV and move on to enjoy the Beach. As fun on the beach can cause dehydration, Hydration Therapy becomes their choice to alleviate fatigue, stress, and hunger and support the immune system. The holiday season usually leaves one exhausted and I am so pleased with myself for having gone through it all – returning to the amazing gala Niyama hosted for 2020 which was incredible. Once again the Hangover IV made all the difference for me. In spite of it all I have come out enjoying every bit of it and with more energy to move in to 2020. It now feels great to be home with my family in sunny California. I look forward to continuing my jet set life into 2020 and invite you as we go to the Middle East to come and enjoy the beauty and luxury in spite of your hectic work and travel life. We will be there to rejuvenate you, help you get over your Jet Lag, Hangovers, Dehydration . . . You too have the chance to feel good from the inside and feel energized with IV infusion treatment. We delight in making you feel good from the inside out. Adjusting your beauty routine as we go from summer to winter is essential. The change in humidity, the exposure to indoor heaters, and blustery winds actually can make skin drier and duller.
I have a busy schedule and travel quite extensively overseas – long flights are dehydrating, and the crippling jet lag can make me a night owl! Fatigue also increases the risk of getting a cold, especially during this season. But you can take control…Beat the winter blues, and keep your summer glow with Beverly Hills IV Therapy! My secret for staying beautiful inside and out, is our Mitochondrial Youth Builder IV Vitamin Therapy, the Rolls Royce of IVS. Combining our NAD Beauty Booster with Amino Acids and Brain Phospholipids will make you feel youthfulness again – and our BeverlyHills Beauty IV Vitamin Therapy, contains vita-complex, zinc chloride, electrolytes and high doses of vitamin C and Glutathione to brighten your skin, leaving you feeling younger, beautiful and more confident than ever! Enjoy 20% off our Mitochondrial Youth and BeverlyHills Beauty IV Therapy treatments thru November 2019. Call today Beverly Hills IV Therapy. We can’t wait to help you look and feel great from the inside out! Our office number: (310) 746-4060. Beverly Hills Address: 9735 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 300 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Mon – Fri 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Sat – Sun Closed Ask about the possibilities for home visits Email [email protected] For After Hour Service Options The beginning of this Spring brings lots of new adventures for me and for Beverly Hills IV Therapy. We launched our treatments at Niyama Private Islands Maldives Drift Spa and had such a wonderful response that we are launching at 4 more 5-star resort locations! I am feeling excited, joy and over stimulated all at the same time. I am reminded of why I enjoy our Sweet Dreams treatment that helps me relax, hydrate and sleep when I find sleep hard to do especially as I am traveling between time zones!
While I am busy finding new locations to bring happiness and wellness to, I never stop thinking about how to improve our wellness from the inside. As I am always searching, I thought of something interesting. Turn back the clock…that’s right..turn back the clock! Is there a treatment that will literally target sun-damaged skin, insomnia, loss of muscle mass, brain fog, memory loss, sagging skin, heart health, beer belly, bad liver, metabolic issues, ear function and chronic fatigue. A treatment that will make you feel youthful again? NAD+ Youth Builder! I found it! And I want to share it with you! I invite you to give it a try. I invite you to be on the same page as I am. In my life through my success and downfalls, I remember that I am beautiful, I am smart, and I am strong! Until next time. Be beautiful, be smart, and be strong! Look for our new locations Anantara Dhighu-Maldives Resort; Anantara Veli-Maldives Resort; Naladhu Private Island Maldives and Anantara Peace Haven-Tangalle Resort NAD+ ANTI-AGING 2 hour infusion of 250mg NAD YOUTH BUILDER NAD+ and other vital mitochondrial components decrease with age. Combining our NAD with beauty booster with amino acids and brain Phospholipids will help to establish brain and muscle youthfulness again.
After many years of high volume travel both personal and work-related, domestically and internationally, I have come to write my first blog for yet another venture close to my heart – which I truly believe will change the course and quality of ‘your life’ – as it has changed mine. As far back as I can remember, I have always held a deep passion for all things related to health, balance, wellness, beauty and longevity. Mastering what the key components were for my body and mind to excel at its highest level, whilst living such a busy and very active lifestyle – has always been a priority of mine. Knowing what my body needs best, first and foremost from the inside out, and searching for the finest concepts and treatments focusing on optimum health and wellness, is a factor for I have searched the world over. Now, I can say I’ve finally found the cherry on top! The first time I recognized the superior benefits of what an IV infusion treatment entails, was after I had travelled 29 hours to reach the exclusive paradise of Niyama Private Islands, the newest addition to our Beverly Hills IV Therapy locations – opening in October 2018. I noticed such a positive shift in my body, an overall wellbeing, was not depleted of energy, nor was I fatigued or dehydrated as I usually am after such extensive travel and busy work schedules. Instead, I was fresh, revitalized, and relaxed in knowing that my vacation was off to its best start. I now keep the IV infusions as part of my ongoing regime to help me productively be the best version of myself at all times. I feel that regardless of whether we are jet-setting around the world, have crazy busy work schedules, or even being a stay-at-home / work-from-home parent, we simply let life get on top of us, and feel quite easily run down if we aren’t taking care of ourselves on a daily basis – which can also be quite exhausting in itself. I have always taken oral vitamins daily, but I noticed this form of therapy was definitely different for me, my body felt the change. I feel the IV vitamin infusions are also a one-stop shop. One infusion can take care of so many different ailments, and this alone saves me a great amount of time. With my husband – Dr. David Alessi – a biochemist, longevity expert, and Plastic Surgeon to the stars, we have developed a unique combination of formulas for intravenous (IV) vitamin infusions which help to rejuvenate, revive and beautify you. Beverly Hills IV Therapy formulations are the ‘elixir of all things possible’, making you glow from within. There’s absolutely no downtime, and the effects last for at least several days, or more. Personally, my favourite formulation is the ‘Dehydration’. Not only does this cocktail of IV fluids and electrolytes quickly restore fluids to my body, but it helps lift my energy levels dramatically, assists with any jet lag I may have and gives me a feeling of entire all-over-wellness. I am very excited to share with you this journey of mine, and the launch of our Beverly Hills IV Therapy clinic in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles on August 28th 2018, and Niyama Private Islands, Maldives on October 7th 2018. Mother’s Day has come to pass. I think about this holiday long and hard when it comes around. I think about how hard life was for women centuries ago. How they juggled children, cooking, cleaning, working and so many more things. Realistically things haven’t changed too much! Women are still mothers, still having children, still cooking, still cleaning and still working. Only the working part is more out of home then in the home.
Mothers of this century are working 40 hours plus, then running their children to their extracurricular activities, and then making it home to cook dinner! After traveling through 7 countries, and talking with the women of these countries, it’s still the same way! Some living in a century or centuries behind us! As I made my return, I realized that I have access to rejuvenation from my 7-country trip of 1 month, much easier than the Mothers of past centuries! Come in and have a Happy Hydration IV – because in all the chaos of your day, your hydration status is overlooked! Try our Sweet Dreams IV – get rid of life stresses and have a peaceful night! Better yet get totally replenished, rejuvenated with our NAD+ IV that helps with so many issues Mothers have today! I implore you; I challenge you to take care of you, be a better you! Come in and get rejuvenated! Be on the lookout as we are partnering with several 5 Star Resorts in Vietnam, six new locations in Thailand, 2 New locations in Las Vegas, and in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, we have some large events we are working on. Once Sri Lanka has recovered, we will have three new hotels there as well. Talk to you soon! |
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